GIS for International Crises, Development and the Environment
January-May 2023
I took a course at Parsons called GIS for International Crises, Development and the Environment (NINT 5380) that was an introduction to cartography and spatial analysis using GIS tools. Over the course of five months, we created eleven different maps along with a final project with the guidance of Stephen Metts. This was one of my favorite classes and I’d love to continue learning GIS! I’ve listed all my GIS work below. More details can be found on my Notion.
Type: Static maps
Tools: QGIS
The Assignments
What I Learned
This course felt impactful to me as a data designer not having built maps before. Going through these exercises helped me understand the statistical analysis involved in cartography. I thought it was especially useful that these examples were through the context of societal and environmental issues given my strong interest in such issues. I’m really glad I took this course and I’m excited to explore other GIS tools like Mapbox and Carto. I hope that my future projects and opportunities will involve GIS.